Our partnership with Southern Brooks means that we can provide better support for our clients in South Gloucestershire.
We are hosting our annual Reach Out conference online on 11 June, for those caring for someone with a drug or alcohol problem.
Nationwide Building Society have donated £10,000 to Developing Health & Independence (DHI) to help address the large demand for our drug and alcohol treatment services, which are predicted to surge in response to the coronavirus lockdown.
By the time I was 40, I was street homeless, and I nearly lost my leg from injecting in my groin. Most people didn't survive that kind of life.
Once upon a time, our Creative Writing Group met on Wednesday afternoons. Since that isn't possible right now, we're inviting you to join us in some weekly creative writing activities.
While we try to maintain business as usual to the degree we can, we have moved to phone and remote support for many of our services.
All the useful DHI phone numbers and email addresses that you will need
The latest news from DHI during the coronavirus outbreak
If you need some help with housing or finance, read this.
Our drug and alcohol support is still being delivered, but in a different way.
We are providing more information, advice and guidance over the internet than ever before.