Tackling alcohol-related harm in Bath

Tackling alcohol-related harm in Bath

Alcohol results in more ill health and death than any other cause among people aged 15 to 49 years, with the number of alcohol-specific deaths having increased by nearly 20% in five years. Excessive drinking often causes poor judgement resulting in accidents, injuries and even violence. The cognitive and behavioural effects of alcohol can have a devastating impact on people’s relationships, employment, finances, housing and mental health.

Over 1,100 people are currently in drug and alcohol treatment in BANES, and for each person in treatment there are thought to be at least four people in need who are not receiving support.

Developing Health and Independence (DHI), Bath’s social inclusion charity, offers structured alcohol treatment and rapid access to our dry house in Burlington Street, where clients can access medical detox and recovery support until they are ready to live independently. Project 28 offers one-to-one support for children and young people experiencing problems with alcohol and drug use.

While these life-saving services are incredibly important, the most effective way to reduce alcohol-related harm is through early intervention, to reach people upstream before they need intensive treatment and/or tragedies occur. Thanks to funding from the Safer Streets Fund, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner, CHK Foundation, the Sandra le Marchant Charitable Trust and BBC Children in Need we are proactively engaging with younger people to help them make informed choices around alcohol.

Project 28 helps promotes healthy attitudes to alcohol through delivering awareness workshops in local schools. Young people can also access our digital platform, The Wrap, which shares information and resources for young people and professionals, including a self-help tool drug which generates personalised information on drugs and alcohol, as well as support around sexual health, relationships, mental health, accommodation, money, education and careers.

One in twenty teens admit to carrying a weapon. Our extensive community outreach service enables us to engage with children in ‘hotspot’ areas for youth crime and anti-social behaviour. Our workers receive specialist training in child exploitation, positioning Project 28 as a leader in addressing serious youth violence through a collaborative partnership with the Banes Violence Reduction Partnership.

BANES has a high unmet need for support for affluent people experiencing issues with alcohol. Many do not realise that regularly drinking what they may see as a ‘moderate’ amount may be harmful to their liver. 24% of adults in England regularly drink over the NHS guidelines and 27% binge drink, contributing to the 46% increase in alcohol-related liver disease deaths the UK has seen in the past decade.

We offer free liver scans at community venues across the Bath area, which provide people with vital insights into their liver health. Our Dry January challenge invites people to have a liver scan before completing 30 days of abstinence from alcohol, followed by a second scan where they will be able to see the benefits to their liver.

At the other end of the scale, our Rough Sleeping Assertive Outreach Service engages with entrenched rough sleepers, offering immediate essential support with safety, food and shelter while offering a rapid route to treatment for their alcohol use.

DHI also supports those affected by another person’s alcohol use, who often face social isolation, financial problems, physical and mental ill-health, domestic abuse and family conflicts. Our FAM service offers peer-led group work, one-to-one support sessions and information, advice and signposting to reduce feelings of stress and isolation, gain confidence to manage their situation and make better informed choices around safety issues.

We have partnered with Bereavement Through Addiction to provide bereavement support for those who have lost a loved one through drug or alcohol use, through monthly support meetings at our centre in St James’s Parade.

For support with your, or a loved one’s alcohol use, please get in touch: 01225 329411

For information on our free liver scans, click here.
For information on our liver health challenge, click here.

To read more about DHI’s services and some of the people who have turned their lives around with our support, visit: https://www.dhi-online.org.uk/...;

Statistics are from alcoholchange.co.uk

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