My family came to the UK as political refugees from South Africa. I grew up in London; apparently I had behavioural problems as a child, but I didn't know that. I started using drugs when I was about 14. I became a daily user of alcohol, heroin, anything and everything I could get my hands on. By the time I was 40, I was street homeless, and I nearly lost my leg from injecting in my groin. Most people didn't survive that kind of life.
I got clean when I was 40, but I didn't know anything about how to stay clean. I feel so lucky to have gone to the DHI dry house in Stall Street. I was fresh out of treatment, suddenly back in the world, and I didn't have a clue what to do. It would have been frightening, but DHI took that fear away.
It was just brilliant, DHI were brilliant; I will be eternally grateful for everything that they did for me in that early part in my recovery - they just put everything in place for me, and my key worker was amazing. I started to learn how to live again – how to live a normal life without committing crime, without manipulating people, without having to be dishonest. I eventually went to college, went to university and sorted out my health problems. The structure provided by DHI helped me move on to do all those things - I just cannot thank them enough.
I'm 54 now and, having worked for Julian House for a few years, I now work for Curo as a support worker.
DHI turned my life around and made me realise how great life can be.
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